Мануальная терапия
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лечение вируса герпес

At кандидозном defeat of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity disease should be differentiated from lingua geographica (geographical language), афтозного a stomatitis, red flat depriving, папулезного сифилида, лептотрихоза; at кандидозном вульвовагините - with the diseases transmitted in the sexual way; at a candidiasis large складок and outside of складок - from себорейной экземы, псориаза, other mycosises - паховой эпидермофитии, superficial трихофитии, a pseudo-mycosis эритразмы (the complicated form); at intermanual кандидозной erosion on brushes - from дисгидротической экземы, on stops - from a mycosis caused Trichophyton interdigitale. Подробнее...

At the sharp inflammatory phenomena on a leather{skin} (presence пузырьков, мокнутия) treatment it is necessary to carry out{spend} stop the same as at экземе. In quality десенсибилизирующей therapies appoint preparations of calcium: solutions of calcium of chloride (10 %), sodium тиосульфата (30 %), calcium глюконата (10 %) intravenously, intramuscularly or перорально; антигистаминные means (супрастин, диазолин, тавегил, etc.) . From external medical products apply lotions with a solution резорцина (2 %), a boric acid (2 %), silver of nitrate (0,25 %) and others, at connection of a bacterial infection - trays with a solution калия permanganate 1:6000 with the subsequent removal{distance} корок and processing of the centers of defeat by water solutions метиленового dark blue or diamond green (1 %), then are applied with pastes - ACD with нафталаном, борно-нафталановую. It is possible to use the preparations possessing combined action into which except for противогрибкового means enter кортикостероид and-or an antibacterial preparation of a wide spectrum of action (травокорт, пимафукорт, микозолон, экзодерил, etc.). The ambassador стихания the sharp inflammatory phenomena apply антимикотики to external use (серно-salicylic ointment, tincture of iodine спиртовая 2 %, бифоназол a cream of 1 %, etc.). Подробнее...