герпес оральный и генитальный
Chest children quite often also it is observed рецидивирующее purulent defeat of a leather{skin} - везикулопустулез. At it{him} on probably intact leather arise superficial пузырьки with muddy or purulent contents in the size from 2-3 mm up to 1 sm and more, and the general{common} infringements this rash does not cause temperature. A similar picture gives псевдофурункулез - it{him} so name to emphasize a dissimilarity with фурункулезом: at псевдофурункулезе hair bags, and channels потовых желез inflame not. Подробнее...
Symptoms, current are various, depend from этиологического the factor and features of an organism. Arise уртикарная a rash, a scarlet fever, краснухе-or кореподобные высыпания, экзематозная a rash down to эритродермии, лихеноидные высыпания, purple, etc. Process is frequently accompanied by a fever, an itch, sometimes диспепсическими the phenomena. At medicamentous токсидермии occurrence отечных spots with a bubble in the center which are located mainly on a mucous membrane of a mouth and a leather{skin} of genitals is typical. At repeated contact with этиологическим the factor высыпания arise on old places, but can appear and on new. Burning is subjectively marked. The general{common} condition does not suffer. Heavy variants of current токсидермии are observed also. Подробнее...