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вакцинация герпес

Superficial fungoid infections of a leather{skin} also frequently meet on a background the HELL. Jones and соавт. [20] have revealed triple increase in frequency of the skin infections caused Trichophyton rubrum, among patients about the HELL in comparison with неатопическими control groups. The level контаминации дрожжеподобными mushrooms is essentially higher than a leather{skin} at диффузной to the form the HELL and correlates at adults with presence of specific IgE-antibodies to Candida albicans [21.] Pityrosporum ovale (Malassezia furfur) also can act in a role патогена at атопическом дерматите. Pitуrosporum ovale represents липофильный the barmy mushroom which is not concerning to дерматофитам, at healthy people is present on a leather{skin} in спорообразующей to the form. At the same time it{he} can be transformed under circumstances favorable for him{it} in мицелиевую the form, causing thus pathological changes on a leather{skin}. Many authors have shown, that at patients the HELL, is especial at localization of skin process in the field of a thorax, волосистой parts of a head and a neck, in blood specific IgE-antibodies to Pityrosporum ovale are defined{determined}, that correlates with positive skin tests with his{its} extract [22]. This circumstance also testifies for the benefit of direct participation Pityrosporum ovale in development the HELL. Purpose{assignment} system and local противогрибковых preparations, such as кетоконазол, considerably improved current the HELL [15]. Подробнее...

At a candidiasis of nail platens and nails all over again carry out{spend} anti-inflammatory treatment of the platen with the help of applications with pure{clean} ихтиолом which are done{made} 1 time day, before removal of the inflammatory phenomena. Then apply антимикотические means (клотримазол, оксиконазол, кетоконазол, etc.) to local application, rubring them under the platen and around of him{it}. Procedures carry out{spend} 2 times day, in the evening preparations it is possible to apply under окклюзионную a bandage. At involving in process of a nail plate it is necessary to remove infected sites after a softening кератолитическими means (2 % уреапласт, бифоназол in a set for treatment of nails) and further to carry out{spend} treatment nail a box антимикотиками for external application. Therapy continue up to the sanction of clinical displays and отрастания a healthy nail plate. In case of an inefficiency of local therapy appoint антимикотики system action: флуконазол, итраконазол on a method пульсотерапии within 2-3 months. Подробнее...