гегнетальный герпес
As basic therapy after knocking over of sharp displays of a bronchial asthma and-or атопического дерматита apply anti-inflammatory preparations. The list of the given preparations is submitted in tab. 4. Anti-inflammatory therapy at ДРС appoint with the purpose of influence to allergic process in a leather{skin} and respiratory ways. To means of basic anti-inflammatory therapy of a bronchial asthma concern кромоны, inhalation кортикостероиды, теофиллины prolonged action, антилейкотриеновые and мембраностабилизирующие preparations. As basic therapy атопического дерматита apply мембраностабилизирующие preparations, the question about антилейкотриеновых means is considered{examined}. Подробнее...
The diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis put on the basis of typical clinic, detection of a mushroom in соскобе with чешуек leather{skin} at microscopic research. A candidiasis large складок differentiate from себорейной экземы, псориаза; fine складок on brushes - from дисгидротической экземы; on stops - from the mycosises, caused T. interdigitale and T. rubrum, дисгидротической экземы; a smooth leather{skin} outside of складок - from экземы, other fungoid diseases: руброфитии, superficial трихофитии, a pseudo-mycosis - эритразмы. Подробнее...