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болезнь на губах герпес

At the mycosis stop caused T. interdigitale, the same clinical forms of defeat are observed, as at руброфитии, however disease proceeds with more expressed inflammatory phenomena is more often. At дисгидротической, less often интертригинозной to the form on a leather{skin} of soles and fingers alongside with fine пузырьками there can be large bubbles in case of connection of bacterial flora with purulent contents. Stop becomes отечной, swelled up a little, there is a morbidity at walking. Disease is accompanied by rise in temperature, deterioration of state of health, development allergic высыпаний on a leather{skin} of the top and bottom finitenesses, trunks, the person, increase паховых lymph nodes, the clinical picture is similar экземе. Подробнее...

Chronic трихофитией mainly (up to 80 %) болеют women, being a source of infection of children. Clinical displays differ from superficial трихофитии. On a head the centers are located in occipital and temporal areas. Characteristic attributes of disease are plural атрофические плешинки, and also " black points ", it is the broken off hair at a level of a leather{skin}. But disease can be shown by the expressed peeling reminding dry себорею, and мелкоочаговым a peeling on other sites of a head. At some patients disease can be accompanied by an itch. On a smooth leather{skin} the arrangement of the centers on buttocks, knee joints, internal surfaces of hips, forearms, less often - other sites is characteristic. They of cyanotic - red color, with a peeling and узелками on a surface, indistinct outlines. In process are be frequently involved пушковые hair. At many patients nails all over again on brushes, later stops are amazed. Nail plates become утолщенными, dirty - grey color, with grooves, are crumbled. Подробнее...