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лечение герпеса губы

At treatment циклопироксом as nail polish in three months the area of defeat of nails has decreased with 63,5 up to 42,5 %, and at final research which carried out{spent} at least through 1 мес after end of 6-month's course of treatment, she{it} has made 27,2 %. This effect has been connected to destruction of mushrooms under action of regular application циклопирокса, that created conditions for growth of a new nail. On the data микологического researches, treatment has been achieved in 80 % of cases. Overwhelming majority of patients have estimated efficiency of a preparation as "very good". Подробнее...

Activators of a candidiasis are allocated on the average from each third person from intestines, genitals, a bronchial secret. Primary colonization of an organism occurs in patrimonial ways, and after a birth - contact and alimentary way. Инфицирование the child can take place at a candidiasis сосков mothers, from the attendants, through subjects of use, etc. Flashes of a candidiasis at newborns in maternity hospitals Are observed. The sexual way of infection with a candidiasis is possible{probable}, thus in transfer of an infection from the woman to the man frequency rate and massiveness инфицирования, depth of penetration of mushrooms in fabrics of a urethra, trophic changes of its{her} mucous membrane owing to the transferred inflammatory diseases, and also the general{common} condition of an organism matters. In эпидемиологии a candidiasis of genitals at men it is considered the basic a sexual way of transfer of an infection. Подробнее...