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герпес у грудного ребенка

Clinical attributes vary depending on type of a virus and localization of formations{educations}. Морфологически formations{educations} represent papillomas with the wide or thin basis, on centuries, a neck - as нитчатых выростов. In usual and подошвенных warts the thickening and superfluous ороговение superficial layers of cells{cages} is expressed. Peaked papillomas ано-генитальной areas usually soft, lobular, it is plentiful васкуляризованные, in a leg is present лимфоцитарная инфильтрация. It is known, that at chronic mechanical irritation (friction) of a wart 3-5 sm in diameter can reach{achieve}. Подробнее...

Treatment гидраденита will consist in opening of the ripened abscess. Application противомикробных and противогрибковых usually effect does not give some ointments. And for the prevention{warning} of relapse treatment of superficial fungoid defeat of a leather{skin} pleated and careful hygiene of these places play a paramount role. Подробнее...