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от герпеса

Сквамозно-гиперкератотическая the form is characterized by development of the centers гиперкератоза on a background of a peeling. The leather{skin} of soles (palms) becomes красновато-cyanotic color, in skin grooves it is marked отрубевидное a peeling which passes on подошвенную and ладонную surfaces of fingers. On palms and soles can be expressed кольцевидное and a lamellar peeling. At some patients it happens insignificant due to often washing hands. Подробнее...

It is necessary to carry out also under the control of the doctor correct care of a leather{skin}. Now the chemist's network offers set of preparations for care of a leather{skin} ("Клеросил", etc.) . Earlier, before penetration on the domestic market of import cosmetic means for struggle with угрями were applied a soap "Wood", "Glyceric", "Almond", "Борно-тимоловое", "Camphor". Cosmeticians also recommend contrast water procedures for the person: washing all over again hot, and then cold water. For washing it is possible to use hot broth 11:1 leaves клевера and a dried camomile. It is recommended 2 - 3 times day to wipe a leather{skin} what or degreasing and a disinfectant, for example tincture of a calendula (1-2 table. л. On 1/2 glasses of water), 10 % a solution of alum, 1 % a solution of liquid ammonia or 2 % a solution of baking soda, citric, cucumber or strawberry juice, лосьоном for a fat leather{skin}. At presence угрей on a leather{skin} of a trunk it is recommended to grease before washing the struck sites toilet, green or camphor soap, having left it{him} on a leather{skin} for some minutes. Then to be washed up by hot water under душем (not in a bath) with the help губки or basts. Cleaning of a leather{skin} of the person, removal{distance} комедонов carry out{spend} in a beauty shop with imposing anti-inflammatory masks. It is not recommended to use at угрях creams and means of decorative cosmetics, т. To. They promote обрaзованию new комедонов. Compresses, to ointment on a fat-soluble basis (Ихтиоловая ointment, ointment Вишневского) can promote development гноеродной florae. Is inadmissible to treat independently formed on a place комедона гнойнички, especially, if deep inflammatory units have appeared. At attempt of expression of abscesses on the person (especially is higher than a upper lip) can lead to to death from an intracranial infection! Подробнее...