герпес во рту
Easing of barrier function of a leather{skin} and allergic orientation of skin reactions results in amplification{strengthening} of irritating action contact раздражителей and allergens among which most are frequently mentioned a wool, детергенты, дезинфектанты, nickel, cobalt, ароматизаторы, lanolin, latex, antibiotics, local кортикостероиды. Among inhalation trigger factors the domestic dust, pollen of blossoming plants, a mould and furfur of the person and pets more often are marked. The aggravations the HELL caused by influence of ticks of a domestic dust, are connected and to their inhalation and direct contact. Подробнее...
The infringements of Т-cellular immunity having a place at use глюкокортикостероидов and at AIDS, result exclusively in superficial infections Candida. Deep infections at patients with AIDS are observed only at presence гранулоцитопении, the caused ВИЧ-INFECTION or reception миелосупрессивных medicines or when to the patient it is entered deep intravenous катетер for парентерального a feed{meal}. Подробнее...