Мануальная терапия
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лечение вируса простого герпеса

The itch is the sensation arising in integuments and causing desire to be scratched. The constant strong itch considerably reduces quality of a life of patients, causing a sleeplessness and невротизируя the patient. The itch is the most often symptom in dermatology; it{he} can be генерализованным without attributes of diseases of a leather{skin}. At absence of primary skin morphological elements генерализованный the itch can be display of system disease. Some system diseases, such as a diabetes and холестаз, can be shown also by the located itch. However the majority of the patients, suffering an itch, have no any system frustration, and the itch at them, as a rule, is consequence{investigation} of skin disease. Подробнее...

Chronic некротизирующая the Aspergillus-pneumonia. several years ago was not possible to distinguish, that at patients with chronic легочными the diseases, receiving глюкокортикостероиды, can develop инвазивный аспергиллез. This disease referred to chronic некротизирующей Aspergillusпневмонией (fig. 3). The major differences from already considered Aspergillus-pneumonia at patients with гранулоцитопенией will be, that disease progresses slowly, диссеминация in other bodies arises very seldom. The diagnosis is put on the basis of a clinical picture, seedings Aspergillus from мокроты or бронхоальвеолярной liquids and at absence of other activators of a chronic pneumonia, such as анаэробы and микобактерии. Подробнее...