Мануальная терапия
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герпес беременных

Chronic почечная insufficiency - the most often system disease causing an itch. On rough estimates, the itch is marked almost with 90 % of patients which suffer chronic почечной insufficiency and by which the hemodialysis is carried out{spent}. Almost 50 % of such patients most of all suffer from an itch during time or is direct after a session of a hemodialysis. The reason of an itch at почечной is not clear to insufficiency; consider, that it{he} is connected with secondary гиперпаратиреозом or to increase in blood of concentration of phosphorus and magnesium. At decrease{reduction} сывороточного a level of phosphorus the tendency to reduction of an itch is observed. Подробнее...

It is correctly and in time the put diagnosis at early stages of disease (about one half-year) allows to lead{carry out} treatment to short enough terms (three - four weeks), but also at initial stages disease can have heavy current that will lead to to increase in terms of treatment. Подробнее...