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Ordinary warts are dense, grayish or colors of a normal leather{skin} узелки (is $more often than them a little) in diameter 3-10 mm with the rough surface, leather{skin} acting above a level. Arise, as a rule, on a back surface of brushes and fingers of hands. Подробнее...
The candidiasis of a mucous membrane of a mouth is characterized by defeat mucous cheeks, the sky, a pharunx, language, десен, corners of a mouth. Disease begins with гиперемии a mucous membrane, there are individual or plural dot strikes of white color later, is $more often than curdled character, they can merge, forming larger centers (see fig. 5 miniatlases, with. 162). Strikes at соскабливании are easily separated, at long existence (more than 3 мес) become dense, and at tearing away erosion and эрозивные surfaces are observed. At chronic current on a mucous membrane of cheeks alongside with usual strikes sites ороговения серовато-white color, flat, reminding лейкоплакию are formed. In corners of a mouth there are cracks with мацерацией a horn layer эпидермиса. Subjectively patients are disturbed with burning, morbidity at reception of food. Подробнее...