Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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герпес на языке

Preventive maintenance. To warn occurrence of warts, it is necessary to observe rules of personal hygiene (regular washing of hands, an individual towel, etc.), at the slightest trauma to process a leather{skin} disinfectant solutions, to struggle with потливостью. Герпетическая an infection (a simple herpes) - group of the virus infectious diseases described рецидивирующим by current, высыпаниями on a leather{skin}, mucous membranes, defeat of the central and peripheral nervous system, an eye, placentae. Подробнее...

Though the founder of homeopathy count Ганемана, the first who has opened homeopathist principles Greek doctor Gippokrat was. It{he} has put in pawn bases of clinical medicine. He{it} had been gave installation, that the primary goal of the doctor is preservation of health (preventive maintenance of illnesses) and treatment of patients. And as he{it} had been put forward two principles " Similia similibus curentur " - similar is treated similar and " Сontraris contrarius curentur " - opposite is treated opposite [1,2] Подробнее...