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Криптококковый the meningitis meets in Holland at 4-10 % of patients with AIDS and is the illness - indicator for diagnostics of AIDS. The infection arises аэрогенно, however primary пульмональная the infection frequently proceeds бессимптомно. Soft brain environments and a brain are a place of primary localization just as предстательная iron, whence there can be relapses. Symptoms can vary from an easy headache up to a heavy clinical meningitis and комы. Подробнее...
Means of external therapy appoint depending on a phase атопического дерматита. In a sharp phase атопического дерматита (at экссудации, a hypostasis, гиперемии and an itch) use a lotion, it is damp - drying up bandages, dyes and anti-inflammatory means. In a chronic phase (лихенификация, the itch) is applied with anti-inflammatory means and the preparations improving microcirculation and a metabolism in the centers of defeat, and also the means eliminating dryness of a leather{skin} and its{her} humidifying [5]. Подробнее...