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герпес вирус

In rare cases the itch can be connected with железодефицитной an anemia and stops after effective treatment. The itch also is described at 15-50 % of patients эритремией. Thus the itch usually considerably amplifies at change of temperature - patients frequently complain of an intensive itch after acceptance soul. The itch is also one of the most often skin displays лейкоза. Подробнее...

One of risk factors of development of skin displays the HELL, especially heavy forms, is unreasonable and frequently uncontrolled application of medical products or their combinations. On the one hand, it is connected to low qualification of experts on places and ignorance этиологической roles of various groups of medicines in development the HELL, and with another a wide circulation of the self-treatment caused by availability of the big number безрецептурных of pharmacological preparations in our market. Antigenic properties of a medical product depend on his{its} ability конъюгировать with fibers of whey of blood and fabrics [5]. As a rule, with fibers конъюгируют not medicines, and them метаболиты. It is established, that such ability anhydrides of acids, jet aromatic connections, изоцианаты, изитиоционаты, меркаптаны, хиноны, оксазолоны possess. It is rather well investigated метаболит penicillin оксазолон пенициллоиловой acids which, reacting with an epsilon - amino group of amino acid лизина the fiber - carrier, forms stable communication{connection} and becomes высокоантигенным [11]. Подробнее...