Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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лечение генитального герпеса


Among anti-inflammatory means of external therapy allocate not steroid (tar, нафталан, zinc, папаверин, indometacin) and steroid топические preparations. And there are strict indications for purpose{assignment} топических кортикостероидных preparations. Them apply at children only in a sharp and-or chronic phase of disease and do not use for preventive maintenance атопического дерматита. At children preference give the preparations possessing high efficiency and safety and an opportunity of application of 1 time day (метилпреднизолона ацепонат and мометазон). At the expressed skin displays атопического дерматита use бетаметазон and флутиказон. Duration of application топических кортикостероидов should not exceed 14 days. After knocking over of sharp displays on a leather{skin} apply pastes or creams on the basis of tar or нафталана, and then the external means eliminating dryness of a leather{skin}. During remission apply the creams containing полиненасыщеные fat acids, vitamins. Подробнее...