гнойные пузырьки при ветрянке
Кокцидиоидомикоз, эндемичный in a southwest the USA (Arizona, New Mexico and Texas), and бластомикоз, эндемичный in northern states USA, as the imported illnesses are observed very seldom. At 60-80 % of young people in the age of from 12 till 24 years are observed угри (or акне - acne) in this or that form. More than in one third of cases this disease demands serious, sometimes long treatment from the expert. According to psychological interrogation of 80 % of teenagers considers, that the most unattractive in the person is угревая a rash. Presence угревой a rash on seen sites of a leather{skin} considerably reduces a self-estimation, causes alarm, depression, дисморфофобию (representation about imaginary external ugliness). Patients with акне extremely difficultly adapt in the social environment, among them the big percent{interest} of jobless and lonely people. Подробнее...
Parents should understand, that presence акне at the teenager causes a number{line} of the psychological problems connected to decrease{reduction} of his{its} self-estimation. Parents should calm the child, try to correct defects in a diet and a way of life. The teenager should know, that акне - business time, it is important to adjust it{him} on persevering and patient performance of the mentioned above medical measures during enough long time - 2-4 months. Подробнее...