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диагностика лечение ветрянка

Especial place the homeopathy borrows{occupies} in treatment chronically рецидивирующих diseases when аллопатические preparations at long application cause various by-effects, accustoming, medicinal illness. The doctor the homeopathist can achieve more proof remission, than the doctor аллопат, not being afraid of by-effects which arise at application of methods of clinical medicine. The homeopathy uses special success in children's practice where the organism has no the got pathology, and the hereditary "roots" transmitted by parents can take place only. Подробнее...

Папилломавирусная the infection of genitals now is allocated in special group. During many years was considered, that usual, flat (ювенильные) and генитальные warts are caused by one type папилломавируса, and distinctions in clinical current are caused by distinctions in localization. Sights at a pathology генитального кондиломатоза have been considerably reconsidered after Meisels, Fortin (1976), Purola, Savia (1976) have described генитальные flat and inverted (эндофитные) кондиломы, having defined{determined} their basic difference from кондилом other localizations, and postulated цитоморфологические attributes папилломавирусной infections: коилоцитоз or баллонирование the cells{cages}, described increased, гиперхромными the nucleus surrounded with a precise zone of light cytoplasm. Koss, Durfee (1956) have entered into clinical practice the term " койлоцитотическая атипия ". Authors for the first time have noted communication{connection} between койлоцитотической атипией. дисплазией and a cancer шейки a uterus. Подробнее...