все о ветряная оспаезнь ветрянка
Speaking about system therapy онихомикозов, it is impossible to forget that all system антимикотики as against local in clinical conditions give only фунгистатический effect. Lumpsum and radical элиминации the activator in a nail does not occur. If any system ан-тимикотик really would render фунгицид-ное action, i.e. would destroy a mushroom in a nail completely duration of therapy онихомикозов stop and brushes would be identical. However in practice of it there is no also a circuit of treatment онихомикозов stop always more for a long time circuits for онихомикозов brushes. Moreover, the difference in duration of these circuits as a whole corresponds{meets} to a difference in speed full отрастания nail plates on legs{foots} and hands (2 : 1). Than it is caused? Фунгистатический the principle of system therapy онихомикозов consists that the противо-fungoid preparation is appointed to that time which is necessary for отрастания a healthy nail plate. When антимикотик is in a nail, growth of a mushroom is suppressed also a nail, in process of growth, supersedes fungoid cells{cages} to the free edge{territory}. Differently, balance or advantage of a mushroom in growth rate in a nail, existing before treatment, is replaced by advantage in growth rate of the nail for the period of treatment. When in a nail does not remain viable cells{cages} of a mushroom, treatment can be stopped. Thus, fungoid infections of nails of fingers of the legs{foots} growing in 2-3 times more slowly, than nails of fingers of hands, demand circuits of system therapy with the duration proportional to a difference in time отрастания of a nail. Подробнее...
At newborns диссеминированная герпетическая the infection is shown plural полиорганными by defeats at which attributes энцефалита prevail, respiratory дистресс-syndrome, надпочечниковой insufficiency, with high летальностью (up to 50 %). Подробнее...