лимфоденит при ветрянке
We as should recollect works of oustanding Russian physiologists: N.E.Vvedensky about парабиозе and A.A.Uhtomskogo about a dominant. Н.Е Vvedensky on the nervous - muscular device of a frog has shown, that processes of excitation and braking can pass one in another, them it is impossible, therefore to consider{examine} separately one from another. Further it{he} has established, that in a condition of overexcitation (парабиоз) the muscle ceases to react to strong irritation though conductivity of a nerve thus is kept. If to act on this preparation weak раздражителями the muscle renews the activity. A.A.Ukhtomsky has developed the theory парабиоза further, has created the theory of a dominant. A.A.Uhtomsky's dominant meant the center of strong excitation temporarily prevailing in the central nervous system and rendering braking influence on activity of other nervous centers. Under influence weak, but adequate irritations, oppression is removed also work restored. It explains action of homeopathist means. Homeopathist dozes are weak раздражителями. From here a conclusion: the above the degree of excitation of an organism, the is more effective action of homeopathist means [1,2]. Подробнее...
Certainly, it does not mean, that is necessary to wait for "maturing" of immunity - presence of a pustular infection demands vigorous medical measures. But vigorous - does not mean abundances of medicines, they are not necessary for the child. It is necessary to empty simply all гнойнички, having removed{having taken off} from them a thin film simple friction губкой or a double fabric to wash up all leather{skin} with soap, to cease to muffle up the child. Местно it is possible to apply antiseptics: 0,1 % a solution (pink) potassium permanganate or 0,02 % a solution фурацилина. At an abundance гнойничков application of antibacterial ointment (see by tab.) is justified also. Having lead{having carried out} such treatment within several days, you will reliably get rid from гнойничков, not resorting neither to antibiotics inside, nor to the means working on immune system - she{it} "will ripen" without intervention from the outside. Подробнее...