Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

рудиментарная ветрянка

On the average healthy nails on hands grow anew for 4-12 мес, on legs{foots} for 12-18 мес, that is taken into account in ростовой by a component of index КИОТОС (tab. 4). These terms define{determine} duration of treatment гризеофульвином and кетоконазолом. At daily purpose{assignment} of these preparations under the standard circuit duration of treatment in months precisely corresponds{meets} to values of uniform index КИОТОС. His{its} values should not exceed 12. Подробнее...

Major factor in development of a candidiasis is the background condition or diseases of an organism at which conditional - pathogenic activators get pathogenic properties. To them concern: эндокринопатии, primary and secondary иммунодефицитные conditions, аутоиммунные processes, the diseases connected to infringement of the ecological environment, etc. The Certain role in development of a candidiasis wide use of the preparations possessing иммуносупрессивным action - глюкокортикоидные plays hormones and цитостатики. The increase in desease a candidiasis is promoted often and not always by the justified purpose{assignment} of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action, including with the preventive purpose. Подробнее...