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Symptoms, current. Allocate 4 forms бронхолегочного аспергиллеза. The easy form proceeds as быстропреходящий sharp трахеобронхит For allergic bronchial аспергиллеза the fever, a bronchospasm are characteristic транзиторные легочные инфильтраты, иозинофилия; мокрота can have a brown shade, sometimes clear the throat слепки bronchial tubes; current can be long with repeated aggravations and development of a heavy bronchial asthma; in some cases there comes recovery. Аспергиллома (colonies from мицелия a mushroom, freely laying in a tubercular cavity, in a cavity of an abscess, бронхоэктазах, a site of slowly resolving pneumonia, a heart attack easy, in the field of a tumour) can proceed бессимптомно, but are observed cough with allocation мокроты without a smell, кровохарканье, loss of weight of a body (down to кахексии), high temperature, a pain in a breast, progressing deterioration of a condition is more often. Некротическая the form легочного аспергиллеза proceeds with the expressed intoxication, a fever. Подробнее...
Nested алопеция (круговидное облысение) - the got loss of hair as округлых the centers of various size. The reason of the given kind of baldness is unknown. Probably, in a basis lay infringement иннервации and a feed{meal} of a leather{skin}, and also аутоиммунные processes. It is clinically shown by sudden occurrence in a zone of growth of hair of the several round centers of full loss of hair. Other changes on a leather{skin} are not present. The centers can grow, merge among themselves and lead to full алопеции. Подробнее...