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By itch various neurologic frustration can be accompanied. The diagnosis is established by inspection which reveals очаговую neurologic semiology. Пароксизмальный the itch has been described at a multiple sclerosis. An intensive itch in the field of nostrils connect with tumours of frontal shares of a brain. Парестетическая the pain in a back is characterized by an itch located in the field of a back медиальнее left лопатки. Парестетическая the pain in a back, apparently, is one of forms peripheral нейропатии. The inexplicable intensive itch can meet at people than 70 years in absence ксеродермии and emotional overloads are more senior. Подробнее...
Besides as shown the data of the world{global} literature and our researches, at a choice and definition of duration of treatment it is necessary to take into account expressiveness подногтевого гиперкератоза at дистальной to the form онихомикоза, and also a degree of an involvement of a nail, i.e. length struck дистальной parts of a nail from free edge{territory} (1/3, 2/3 nail plates and total defeat). Expressed гиперкератоз interferes as carrying out of local means to nail ложу, and to receipt of system means through a box in a nail plate. The length of defeat specifies his{its} prescription and an opportunity of involving матрикса. These parameters - the clinical form, length of the struck part and a degree гиперкератоза, have been used by development of an index for a clinical estimation онихомикозов КИОТОС. Подробнее...