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Treatment. Treatment of mycosises of a smooth leather{skin} stop and other localizations carry out{spend} антимикотическими means for external application. At сквамозной and интертригинозной forms of defeat on stops and other sites of a leather{skin} use medical products as a cream, ointments, a solution, a spray, it is possible to combine a cream or ointment with a solution, alternating{interleaving} them. To medical products which are applied now, concern: a cream кетоконазол, a cream оксиконазол, a cream and a solution клотримазола, a cream бифоназол, a cream and a solution нафтифина, a cream and a spray тербинафин. These preparations are rendered on the cleared and dried leather{skin} once a day, duration of treatment averages up to 2 нед. Антимикотики изоконазол, эконазол, циклопирокс, ундециленовая an acid + zinc salt ундециленовой acids, миконазол + мазипредон apply 2 times day up to the sanction of clinical displays, then treatment continue 1-2 more нед, but already once a day for preventive maintenance of relapse. At nodular and knotty forms руброфитии after removal of the sharp inflammatory phenomena of one of the specified ointments appoint серно-tar ointment (5-10 %) for the further sanction of clinical displays. At интертригинозной and дисгидротической forms (presence only fine пузырьков) a mycosis stop is applied with preparations with the combined action into which structure alongside with противогрибковым means enters кортикостероид - изоконазол + дифлукортолон-21-валернат, миконазол + мазипредон; кортикостероид and an antibacterial preparation - гидрокортизон + натамицин + неомицин, нафтифин, бетаметазон + клотримазол + gentamycin. Подробнее...
So, diagnosing угревую illness, it is necessary to imagine, that this disease proceeds on the certain background condition of a macroorganism. Treatment угревой illnesses should be carried out{be spent} with the account патогенеза, and also degrees of weight of current. Подробнее...