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профилактика ветрянки инкубационный периодКандидемия at patients without гранулоцитопении. This complication is observed mainly at patients of branches of intensive therapy after абдоминальной surgeries, at receiving парентеральное a feed{meal} and after treatment by antibiotics of a wide spectrum. The fever frequently is a unique symptom, and the positive result of crop of blood on Candida frequently is unexpectedness. Taking into account risk of dispersion of the centers, treatment is shown, in our opinion, even at presence only one positive crop of blood [3]. Business is much more difficultly if at the patient of branch of intensive therapy having a constant fever, colonization Candida of respiratory, digestive and urinogenital pathes is observed. That crops of blood frequently become positive only in a late stage, distinction between colonization and инвазивной an infection is difficult to lead{carry out}. Modern молекулярно-biological researches can show, that isolated штамм is identical штамму by which the patient has already been colonized earlier. Is sometimes shown to begin empirical противогрибковое treatment even if it is impossible to define{determine} precisely when this treatment should be started. However the threshold for the beginning противогрибковой therapies at these обстоятельст вах has gone down, as less toxic became accessible фунгостатические means. Подробнее... Would be a mistake to count, that the risk онихомикоза is raised{increased} only at elderly patients with a diabetes. It{he} is not lower and at younger patients conducting{leading} an active way of life. Such patients, as a rule, are engaged in physical exercises and various kinds of sports. These employment{occupations} are connected to the raised{increased} risk of traumas and scratchs of a leather{skin}, significant потоотделением, carrying of tight clothes and footwear, often contact to water. All these factors promote development онихомикоза. Nevertheless the basic growth of frequency of a fungoid infection is marked after achievement of 40 years [20]. Подробнее...
Смотри также:инкубационный период у ветрянки воспаление тазобедренного сустава не острый лимфобластный лейкоз цветные контактные линзы плановой замены |