последствия и осложнения от ветрянки
Distribution. Caused by influence of solar beams (HARD CURRENCY, photoallergic, phototoxic, polymorphic высыпания, late skin порфирия); дерматомные (herpes zoster); генерализованные (system diseases); on разги-бательных surfaces (elbows and knees at псориазе); on сгибательных surfaces (локтевые and popliteal ямки at атоническом дерматите). As shown in fig. 187-1, an arrangement of skin defeats can appear a valuable key for identification of disease. Подробнее...
Онихомикозы can be caused as дермато-фитами, and others плесневыми and barmy mushrooms. As unconditional leaders on frequency of occurrence (over 80 %) are considered дерматофиты, mainly T.rubrum. However the defeats of nails caused by mushrooms Candida spp., meet at 5-10 % of patients and can make up to 40 % of cases онихомикоза on hands. Недерматофитные a mould, such as Aspergillus spp., Scopulariopsis bre-vicaulis, Fusarium spp., Acremonium spp., Scytalidium spp., and some other can cause, according to our researches and results of all-European project "Ахиллес", about 10-15 % онихомикозов. Besides плесневые "недерматофитные" mushrooms can accompany дерматофитную with an infection, and defeats of nails have the mixed nature. Value плесневых mushrooms as activators онихомикоза, more recently challenged, now is proved and more does not cause doubts. Подробнее...