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Мембраностабилизирующие preparations. To the preparations of this group used for treatment the HELL, carry кетотифен and a preparation кромоглициевой the acids having the similar mechanism of action: they stabilize membranes of corpulent cells{cages} and brake receipt of ions of calcium in cells{cages} owing to what development of the allergic reaction caused by interaction of an antibody with an antigene is blocked. Мембраностабилизирующие preparations are appointed as in a complex with the basic methods of treatment, and as preventive treatment in the rehabilitation period to long term (кромоглициевая an acid on 1-2 мес, кетотифен it is minimal on 3 мес, sometimes some years). Подробнее...
Which reasons start this process, it is for certain not known, but it is possible to judge some factors rather confidently. Women suffer this disease approximately twice more often, than men. And not simply women, and, as a rule, beauties with a white gentle leather{skin}. The starting factor of illness can become infringements in work эндокринной and digestive systems, stresses, decrease{reduction} in immunity, and sometimes - application of quite good-quality dear{expensive} cosmetics with hormonal or other biological additives. Peaceful co-existence with the tick can be broken by predilection for black coffee, alcohol, sharp seasonings, long sitting before a computer, excessive hobby for a bath or sunburn. Подробнее...