Мануальная терапия
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- Лор
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- Гастроэнтерология
- Пластическая хирургия
- Стоматология
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

ветрянка и роды

Этиология and патогенез. Activators of warts, or papillomas of a leather{skin} are viruses. Is more often them name viruses of a papilloma of the person. Болеют children and young people are $more often. The activator is transferred at direct contact to the patient and through household goods. Disease can be promoted by fine traumas of a leather{skin}. A clinical picture and diagnostics. Distinguish warts ordinary, flat, подошвенные. Подробнее...

The given part of therapy ДРС is directed on exception or the prevention{warning} of contact to этиологически-significant allergens. Even the most elementary steps on элиминации the most widespread allergens from a feed{meal} and an environment of the child can improve a condition of the patient essentially. It is established, that without dietary and элиминационных efficiency of pharmacological treatment is essentially lower than actions [4]. Purpose{assignment} элиминационных diets to children with displays атопического дерматита positively influences dynamics{changes} of skin process. Элиминационная the diet is under construction on a basis of authentically proved role of this or that foodstuff in development of aggravations атопического дерматита [3]. At children of the first years of a life having a dairy allergy, exclude completely the cow milk, and also dairy mixes and other dairy products. In such cases apply the special medical products prepared on a basis изолята of soya fiber (Алсой, the Check - soya, the Нутрилак-soya, the Тутелли-soya, Фрисосой, the Хайнц-soya mix, Хумана СЛ). At an allergy to a soya use products of hydrolysis of dairy fiber (Альфаре, Пепти-Юниор, Прегистимил, Нутрамиген, Фрисопеп). At intolerance of cereals, excluding from a feed{meal} of children the products containing глютен (wheat, рожь, овес, all bakery and macaroni products), appoint безглютеновые (buckwheat, rice, corn, ячменая) porridges. Подробнее...