ямочки после ветрянки
Today there are many means and methods of treatment онихомикозов. But, despite of their quantity{amount} and a variety, all of them it is direct or are indirectly directed on removal{distance} этиологического the agent, a pathogenic mushroom, from struck ноттей. Этиот-ропная therapy - it is unique the effective approach to treatment of fungoid infections of nails. Этиот-ропное treatment онихомикозов happens or local (external) when противогрибковый a preparation render on the struck nail, or system when a preparation appoint inside, and it{he} gets in a nail through blood. Подробнее...
Laboratory diagnostics: the most sensitive method now recognizes полимеразная chain reaction (ПЦР) with типоспецифическими and species-specific праймерами, allowing to reveal virus геномы, including virus sequences in геноме cells{cages} of tumours шейки a uterus in 95-100 % of cases. Подробнее...