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ветрянка при беремености

At the chronic form superficial трихофитии 1 time in 10 days carry out{spend} отслойку a horn layer эпидермиса and manual эпиляцию hair, using ointment of the following structure: an acid salicylic 12,0, an acid dairy or бензойная 6,0, vaseline 82,0. Of it{her} do{make} a compress on волосистую a part of a head on 48 ч., then a bandage remove and impose 2 % salicylic ointment on 24 ч. Further with the help of a scalpel delete a horn layer эпидермиса, and a tweezers - " black points ". Отслойку carry out{spend} 2-3 times with a 10-day's interval. If in the centers on a smooth leather{skin} are struck пушковые hair they can be removed, using salicylic коллодий (for children - 10 %, for adults - 15 %), 15 % dairy - салицилово-резорциновый коллодий: an acid dairy, an acid salicylic, резорцин fifty-fifty - 15,0, коллодий 55,0. Эпидемиология. Disease is distributed everywhere, but meets in the countries high temperature and humidity of air is more often. Болеют persons of young age, disease is registered and at children. Подробнее...

Types 6, 11, 16, 18, 33 cause an infection генитальной, перианальной areas, are less often found out on mucous membranes of an oral cavity, a bladder. Type 6 (a, b, c, d, e) is allocated from huge кондилом Buschke-Loewenstein and цервикальных дисплазий. Types 5a, 5b, 8 cause development malignant warty эпидермодисплазии. Patients a secondary immunodeficiency in skin formations{educations} have type 8. In ларингеальных papillomas there are types 6, 11, 16, 30. Подробнее...