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ветрянка гомеопатия

On волосистой parts of a head arises one or two large centers in the size from 3 up to 5 sm in diameter and a little fine - from 0,3 up to 1 sm, with precise borders, округлой or the oval form, all hair in the centers are broken off and act above a level of a leather{skin} on 4-5 mm, are covered чешуйками серовато-white color, is $more often without the inflammatory phenomena. Sometimes, and last years much more often observe patients with the sharp inflammatory phenomena in the large centers: гиперемией, инфильтрацией, branch of pus, stratification корок yellow color, increase in lymph nodes. The centers with the sharp inflammatory phenomena are characteristic for зооантропонозной микроспории, but, as a rule, they arise at self-treatment. At this form can be secondary allergic высыпания on a leather{skin} of a trunk and finitenesses. The centers микроспории on a smooth leather{skin} are located on the open and closed sites of a leather{skin}, have округлую or oval forms with the towering platen on the periphery, covered пузырьками and crusts. The centers fine, the size from 1 up to 2 sm in diameter, plural, can merge. At 85-90 % of patients be struck пушковые hair. Sometimes meets микроспория eyebrowes, eyelashes and a century. Подробнее...

Fungoid diseases (mycosises) make a significant part of an infectious pathology of a leather{skin}. Activators of mycosises are антропофильные the mushrooms parasitizing on the person, зоофильные, transferable{tolerable} animals, and also conditional - pathogenic organisms, basically дрожжеподобные mushrooms of sort Candida. Подробнее...