Мануальная терапия
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лечение ветрянки у детей

In what the reason of such defeat of a leather{skin} at грудничков? It опрелости, raised{increased} потливость because of excessively high temperature of environment{Wednesday} surrounding the child or excessively warm clothes and unsatisfactory hygiene. I constantly should collide{face} with parents who stop to bathe the child at the slightest attributes of the illness, considering{counting} a bath almost the basic source of cold. Business and that chest children in general badly develop immunity to стафилококкам, so an infection, having got on a leather{skin}, lasts is long. With the years (in the second half-year) the immune answer becomes more mature so pustular diseases meet much less often. Подробнее...

Survey of integuments can reveal pathological changes even at absence of primary morphological elements: on a leather{skin} secondary morphological elements, for example - экскориации owing to combing by the patient of itching sites of a leather{skin} can be found out. At some skin diseases at all do not find primary morphological elements, for example, at атопическом дерматите which is shown only by sensation of an itch. Careful gathering of the anamnesis and физикальное inspection (including пальпацию all groups лимфоузлов and manual ректальное research) can find out the reason of an itch; besides a number{line} can help with differential diagnostics of this symptom скрининговых laboratory and tool researches, such as the general{common} analysis of blood (ОАК), the general{common} analysis wet (ОАМ), hepatic functional tests (ПФТ), research of levels of electrolits and тиреоидных hormones (ТГ) of blood, radiological research of a thorax. Подробнее...