рубцы после ветрянки
Этиология, патогенез. Аспергиллы - widely widespread{distributed} in the nature сапрофиты, all-the-year-round allocating disputes. To disease conducts inhalation of a plenty dispute аспергилл, for example at work with заплесневелым гниющим hay, компостом. In патогенезе, except for аллергизирующего and гемолитического influences эндотоксина, the big role decrease{reduction} in reactance of an organism at long and chronic illnesses (plays a tuberculosis, suppurations, новообразования, system illnesses of blood, алкоголизм, etc.) or at long application иммунодепрессивных preparations. Подробнее...
The aggravation (long condition of bronchial obstruction) and attack of a bronchial asthma (sharply developed and-or progressively worsening экспираторное an asthma) demand purpose{assignment} of preparations of the emergency help [4], a choice and which ways of introduction essentially depend on weight of clinical displays (on the basis of such symptoms as cough, difficulty of breath, feeling of weight in a thorax, participation of auxiliary muscles in the certificate{act} of breath, втяжение яремной ямки, infringement of dream, parameters ОФВ1 less than 80 %). Thus are used бронхоспазмолитические preparations (tab. 3). Подробнее...