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ветрянка взрослые

There is an opinion, that угри, as well as fat себорея, are consequence{investigation} of relative or absolute prevalence in blood of man's sexual hormones. The leather{skin} of the person, a breast, a back at себорее shines, time gape, in many порах because of a congestion of bacon in channels of sebaceous glands and in устьях hair follicles серовато-black fuses - комедоны from which at pressing the dense grease secret and a kind "червячков" with the black head is allocated are formed. Прогоркающее skin bacon - the fine environment for duplication гноеродных microbes (стафилококков, streptococci) therefore around комедонов there is an inflammation, and are formed угри as inflammatory узелков, гнойничков. Without treatment they can expand in deeper, painful{unhealthy} инфильтраты the purple-red color, opened with allocation of pus. On a leather{skin} thus can remain рубцы. Disease chronic. Нерезко expressed угревая the rash passes by 20-25 years, more expressed, as a rule, abates by 30-35 years Подробнее...

Диссеминированный a candidiasis at patients with гранулоцитопенией. It is the heaviest form of infection Candida. The fever, the general{common} indisposition and deterioration of the general{common} condition are the major symptoms. Such specific attributes as defeats of a leather{skin} or fungoid defeats, in most cases are absent. диссеминированный the candidiasis can sometimes demonstrate a sepsis or a septic shock. Crops of blood become positive frequently only in a late stage of illness or remain negative. Is not present yet authentic серологических tests for early statement of the diagnosis. If not occurs restoration from гранулоцитопении death rate is very high, despite of противогрибковое treatment. On opening frequently reveal the widespread defeats of heart (эндокардит, миокардит), a brain, a liver, spleens and kidneys. Подробнее...