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ветрянка беременность

It is frequently accompanied генерализованным by an itch холестаз. Thus the itch can precede occurrence of other symptoms and attributes холестаза. First the itch can be located, amazing only areas of palms, stop and the sites of a leather{skin} subject to friction or pressure (for example, clothes); the itch considerably amplifies at night. Though in патогенезе холестатического an itch the basic role is allocated{removed} to accumulation of bilious acids in a leather{skin}, the maintenance{contents} of bilious acids in blood not always correlates with presence or absence of an itch or with his{its} weight. The itch accompanying good-quality холестатическую a jaundice of pregnant women, is most expressed in the third trimester of pregnancy and stops after sorts. The women who have transferred холестатическую a jaundice during pregnancy, have high risk of development of a jaundice and an itch at application of oral contraceptives further. Primary билиарный a cirrhosis - disease of the unknown person этиологии, described progressing деструкцией fine intrahepatic bilious channels. This деструкция, apparently, is consequence{investigation} аутоиммунного process. Disease amazes mainly women. The itch usually is the first display of disease; the diagnosis at this stage is established at detection of increase in a liver during time физикального inspections and on deviations{rejections} ПФТ in the biochemical analysis of blood. As well as at холестазе pregnant women, the itch can develop at primary билиарном a cirrhosis and during pregnancy, but as against холестаза pregnant women it{he} does not stop after sorts. Подробнее...

At diagnostics угревой illnesses should be remembered also that there are the diseases clinically similar to it{her}, but having other патогенез. Primarily there is an inflammatory reaction of the сально-hair device without комедонов. It is rather wide group various дерматозов. To it{her} carry pink угри, периоральный дерматит, саркоидоз, a tuberculosis of a leather{skin}. Remind угревую a rash displays of a secondary syphilis - папулезный себорейный and папулопустулезный сифилид can also. The given fact needs to be taken into account in conditions present{true} эпидобстановки, the desease connected to growth by a syphilis. Подробнее...