Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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ветрянка у детей

Кандидозный the sepsis represents генерализованную the form of a candidiasis, is characterized by a heavy general{common} condition of the patient, гектической a fever, formation{education} of abscesses in various bodies (in kidneys, a liver, a pancreas, a brain, muscles, etc.), is quite often accompanied by a purulent meningitis, бородавчато-ulcer эндокардитом. The forecast in many cases adverse. Подробнее...

Патогенез. To occurrence of a candidiasis can promote both эндогенные, and экзогенные factors. To эндогенным to factors concern эндокринные infringements, the diabetes, immune insufficiency, heavy somatic diseases and a number{line} of others is $more often. Disease develops at prematurely born children and receiving antibacterial preparations of a wide spectrum of action. Подробнее...