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аногенитальные бородавки лечение

For руброфитии a smooth leather{skin} large складок and other sites of an integument development of the centers with precise borders, wrong outlines, the faltering platen on the periphery, consisting of merged узелков pink color, чешуек and crusts, with a cyanotic shade, in the center painting cyanotic - pink is characteristic. On разгибательной surfaces of forearms, shins высыпания can settle down as the open-ended rings. The centers with nodular and knotty elements are quite often observed. Disease sometimes proceeds on type инфильтративно-нагноительной трихофитии, is $more often at men at localization in the field of a chin and above a upper lip. The centers руброфитии on a smooth leather{skin} can remind псориаз, red волчанку, экзему and others дерматозы. Подробнее...

The itch is the sensation arising in integuments and causing desire to be scratched. The constant strong itch considerably reduces quality of a life of patients, causing a sleeplessness and невротизируя the patient. The itch is the most often symptom in dermatology; it{he} can be генерализованным without attributes of diseases of a leather{skin}. At absence of primary skin morphological elements генерализованный the itch can be display of system disease. Some system diseases, such as a diabetes and холестаз, can be shown also by the located itch. However the majority of the patients, suffering an itch, have no any system frustration, and the itch at them, as a rule, is consequence{investigation} of skin disease. Подробнее...