Мануальная терапия
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- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

удаленние бородавок

Гризеофульвин. Adults with weight of a body up to 50 kg should accept 5 tablets (1 tablet 0,125 г), from 50 up to 60 kg - 6, from 60 up to 70 kg - 7, over 70 kg - 8 tablets. Accept a preparation in 3 receptions with a teaspoon of vegetable oil 1-st month daily, 2-nd - in day, further 2 times a week up to отрастания healthy nails. Treatment гризеофульвином carry out{spend} after removal{distance} of nail plates by existing techniques (on method Андриасяна, Arabian, at use кератолитических plasters, surgical way) in a combination with антимикотиками for external application. Кетоконазол accept on 1 tablet (200 mg) in day daily on an empty stomach or in 30-40 minutes after meal, washing down with sour juice, on the average within 5-6 months. Итраконазол appoint on a method of pulse - therapy on 2 capsules in the morning and in the evening (400 mg day) within 7 days with the subsequent 3-week break. At онихомикозе brushes carry out{spend} 2 cycles, stop - 3-4. Тербинафин it is necessary to accept on 250 mg (1 tablet) once a day daily, at defeat of nails of brushes - 6 нед., stop - 12 нед., however duration of treatment can be more significant. Флуконазол appoint on 150-300 mg once a week within 3-6 months. Антимикотики system action it is possible to recommend patients after careful inspection, exception of diseases of a liver and kidneys, i.e. at absence of contra-indications to their application. Антимикотики, except for гризефульвина, it is possible to use without removal{distance} of nail plates, however at presence гиперкератотической forms of defeat it is necessary to remove infected sites with the help кератолитических means. At дистальном and латеральном defeat of nails when it is not infected матрикс, it is possible to carry out{spend} treatment противогрибковыми preparations for external application. Preliminary delete the struck sites of nails, using 20 % a plaster with urea (уреапласт) or микоспор in a set for treatment of nails, then apply on a box антимикотики as a varnish (аморолфин 5 %, циклопирокс 8 %), a cream or a solution (бифоназол, тербинафин, микозолон, клотримазол, экзодерил, экалин, etc.) up to отрастания healthy nails, thus periodically carrying out{spending} cleaning nail a box. Подробнее...

At superficial forms of a candidiasis the diagnosis is based on presence at the patient of a characteristic clinical picture and detection of a mushroom in a pathological material (соскоб or separated with mucous membranes, чешуйки leather{skin}, соскоб from nails) at microscopic research. The diagnosis can be counted authentic if find out псевдомицелий or true мицелий and budding cells{cages}. Crop on a nutrient medium is carried out{spent} for identification of a kind дрожжеподобного a mushroom of sort Candida. Allocation only culture of a mushroom has no diagnostic value as she{it} can be received at crop соскобов from a mucous oral cavity, genitals and a leather{skin} of healthy people. Подробнее...