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бородавки на мошонке

Treatment. At superficial and зооантропонозной трихофитии волосистой parts of the head, the plural centers on a smooth leather{skin}, the individual centers with defeat пушковых hair is carried out{spent} treatment гризеофульвином in a combination with антимикотиками for external application and pathogenetic means. Гризеофульвин it is appointed at the rate of 18 mg to 1 kg of weight of a body day daily up to the first negative analysis on mushrooms, then in the same doze 2 нед. In a day and 2 нед. 2 times a week. Hair shave off before treatment, then 1 times in 10 days. At superficial трихофитии external treatment carry out{spend} the same as and at микроспории. Подробнее...

At псевдофурункулезе гнойнички superficial, as against a furuncule - flabby, эпидермиса (the superficial layer of a leather{skin}) has no a thin layer covering them of a purulent fuse and is easily removed, under it{him} are visible liquid pus in a small amount and a young leather{skin} of red color. The general{common} condition of the child at this disease practically does not suffer, that specifies superficial character of inflammatory process. However abscesses arise again and again, is frequent in a plenty, that, naturally, frightens parents and demands intervention. Подробнее...