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детские бородавки

The infections arising basically at patients with local either general{common} infringement of immunity or an immunodeficiency, refer to opportunistic. Deep mycosises meeting in Holland, fungoid infections concern exclusively to this category though they are sometimes observed and at patients at whom obvious infringements of immunity are absent. In other parts of the world meet эндемичные грибки which frequently cause deep infections in persons with normal immunity, so-called primarily pathogenic грибки, such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum in the USA and Penicillium marneffei in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand. In rare cases as the imported illnesses these infections are observed in Holland, and at иммунонесостоятельных the risk is much higher than patients, than at healthy. Подробнее...

The greatest attention is given role Staphylococcus aureus in development the HELL, his{its} especially heavy forms. It is known that, at 80-95 % of patients HELL Staphylococcus aureus (St. aureus) is the dominating microorganism determined on struck sites of a leather{skin}. Density St. aureus on not struck leather{skin} at patients the HELL can reach{achieve} 107 колониеобразующих units on 1 sm2 [15, 19, 21]. Подробнее...