лечение удаление бородавок
At онихомикозе a ultimate goal of a route system антимикотиков in blood is the nail plate, at дерматомикозе - эпидермис. Into a horn layer system антимикотики will penetrate three ways - at passive diffusion from blood and introduction in кератиноциты базального a layer, or deducing{removing} with a secret потовых and sebaceous glands. Липофильные means (from modern - тербинафин, итраконазол) act in a leather{skin} mainly with a secret of sebaceous glands and practically are not found out in a secret потовых желез. Липофильные means collect in a leather{skin} and are slowly deduced from it{her}. Гидрофильные means have opposite characteristics. Through базаль-ный a layer all preparations, both гидрофильные, and липофильные will penetrate. Подробнее...
Novelty of the given work consists in the differentiated approach to purpose{assignment} system антимикотиков depending on этиологии, the clinical form, the general{common} condition of the patient, presence of accompanying diseases. The rational, selective approach to treatment онихомикозов allows to raise{increase} his{its} efficiency considerably. Подробнее...