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Depending on prevalence of those or other symptoms distinguish liquid and dense (dry) forms of disease. For liquid (fat) себореи the following displays are characteristic: the struck sites of a leather{skin} are represented damp, grease, have characteristic shine. Time of sebaceous glands are expanded, quite often corked by fuses of dark color (комедоны, " black угри "). The leather{skin} утолщается, gets a dirty - grey shade, becomes similar on citric корку. Hair grease. Can arise очаговое облысение. Except for the set forth above attributes at себорее on a leather{skin} it is possible to notice grease кисты as fine yellow узелков (милиумы, " white угри "). Подробнее...
Local treatment depends on a stage экземы. So, at presence of one redness and not opened пузырьков powders (talc, zinc, starch), болтушки, индиферентные pastes are shown; at островоспалительных the phenomena and мокнутии - cooling lotions and compresses (without cotton wool) from any knitting or disinfectant solution (lead water and so forth); at chronic экземе - the hot local baths warming compresses, ointments with the maintenance{contents} рассасывающих means (нафталан, sulfur, tar and so forth), ultra-violet beams. At all stages it is recommended to apply the preparations containing кортикостероидные hormones (преднизолоновая ointment, фторокорт, флюцинар, лоринден and тд.) Подробнее...