лечение бородавки москва
Treatment. At микроспории волосистой parts of the head, the plural centers on a smooth leather{skin}, the individual centers with defeat пушковых hair appoint антимикотик system action гризеофульвин (tablets on 0,125 г), possessing фунгистатическим action. Treatment is mainly carried out{mainly spent} in a hospital. Подробнее...
At the widespread forms with often relapses it is possible to appoint антимикотики system action: итраконазол on 200 mg day within 7 days; дифлюкан on 50 mg once a day daily during 2-4 нед.; низорал on 200 mg day daily, on the average within 2-3 months. Preventive maintenance. During treatment it is necessary to carry out{spend} disinfection of clothes and linen; to appoint preventive treatment in 1-2 months after the termination{ending} of a rate of therapy; to observe rules of personal hygiene. Подробнее...