гайморит прокол камфорн
And at last, the mainest question. Whether it is possible to carry out{spend} аденотомию without anesthesia? Yes it is possible. And to this there is a physiological explanation. The structure аденоидной fabrics is those, that in it{her} there are no painful nervous fibres. So in norm of the person it is possible to prick in миндалину and it{he} will not feel a pain. I at all do not call to carry out{spend} experiments on this account. Besides to the child of it to not explain, and if there is an opportunity anesthesia should be lead{be carried out}. Even at his{its} small efficiency it renders good psychological effect. Подробнее...
It only the most powerful infringements. Which arise in an organism at presence at the child аденоидных vegetations. Actually, a spectrum of pathological changes which cause аденоиды much more widely. Here it is necessary to attribute{relate} changes of structure of blood, influence on nervous system, an enuresis, infringement of function of kidneys and others. However the given symptoms meet much less often. Подробнее...