крио гайморит
In the conclusion, I shall note, that the doctor - is not always capable to work wonders, and at the most qualitatively executed operation and a good rate of conservative treatment relapses of polyps are possible{probable}. But if relapse does not arise within 5-7 years any ЛОР-DOCTOR can be pleased with the achieved result of treatment, and at adequately executed unitary operative intervention with the help эндоскопической technics{technical equipment} and шейвера, at occurrence of relapse much easier and much more less травматичнее to carry out additional operative interventions. Подробнее...
Sometimes, when there is a confidence, that polyps of a nose fill гайморову in a bosom, the surgeon opens last through a forward wall. In this case the cut{section} under a lip is done{made}, that in a consequence creates significant discomfort to the patient. Besides the given operation is painful{unhealthy} enough and frequently is complicated development in гайморовой to a bosom рубцов, that contributes to occurrence of inflammatory processes. Подробнее...