Мануальная терапия
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гайморит и сухой кашель

Infringement of physiology of an average ear. In norm the system which adjusts a difference of pressure between external atmospheric pressure and internal which exists in a cavity of a nose and a nasopharynx works for the person. This process is adjusted due to anatomic formation{education} which carries the name acoustical (евстахиева) a pipe. By this formation{education} air will penetrate into an average ear from a cavity of a nose. The majority of people which are possessing experience of flight by the plane these changes during rise and could feel landings{plantings}. The input{entrance} in an acoustical pipe is in a nasopharynx, in immediate proximity from the location аденоидной fabrics. Therefore, if at the child increases носоглоточная миндалина, she{it} blocks a mouth of an acoustical pipe, complicating free passage of air to an average ear. In result, the eardrum loses the mobility that is reflected in acoustical sensations - the child insufficiently well hears. Подробнее...

As most effectively combined treatment has been marked above. First the patient should pass surgical treatment - эндоскопическое removal{distance} of polyps. After an extract from a hospital to the patient the rate local кортикостероидной therapies is appointed. For this purpose dosed out inhalers for an irrigation of a cavity of a nose are used. One of the best preparations of the given group is "Фликсоназе" which is appointed to the period not less than 3 months after operative treatment. At once I shall tell, that all similar preparations contain hormones, that frequently frightens the patient, but taking into account, that the preparation is applied местно - system by-effects from application колртикостероидных preparations is not observed. Подробнее...