гайморит после операции на гайморовой пазухе
The chronic tonsillitis is a chronic inflammation нёбных миндали. It is possible to tell - chronic quinsy. What occurs with миндалинами at their chronic inflammation? The greatest changes occur in lacunas миндалин, is amazed soft лимфоидная a fabric which is replaced with firmer, connecting fabric. Appear рубцы, some lacunas миндалин and as consequence{investigation}, the closed purulent centers are formed are narrowed and closed. In lacunas the fuses representing a congestion become lifeless эпителия of a mucous membrane of lacunas collect (омертвление эпителия is basically normally, old эпителий сшелушивается, new grows; but in this case that it{he} does not leave is bad, and remains in lacunas), particles of food, tobacco pitches (at smokers), the alive and lost microbes, leukocytes. Except for a proside can be and liquid purulent contents. Thus in lacunas rather favorable conditions for preservation and duplication of pathogenic microbes are created. The ability to live they support inflammatory process in миндалинах. Подробнее...
Very much frequently presence аденоидных vegetations is combined with a hypertrophy (increase) небных миндалин. These bodies are at the person in a drink and everyone can see them. However, at children parallel growth аденоидов and небных миндалин very{very much} is frequently observed. Unfortunately and in this situation the most effective method of treatment is surgical intervention. At presence сочетанного increases миндалин and аденоидов, carrying out of one-stage removal{distance} аденоидов and cuttings небных миндалин is expedient. Operation carries the name - тонзиллотомия. I want to emphasize, that removal{distance} миндалин, they only подрезаются till the physiological normal size in this case is not carried out{not spent}. Аденоиды leave completely. Operation lasts little bit longer - about{near} 10-ти minutes. At presence of indications for carrying out аденотонзиллотомии she{it} should be carried out necessarily, with the subsequent purpose{assignment} of a rate of conservative preventive therapy. Подробнее...