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клиники г москвы лечение гайморита

Decrease{Reduction} in serviceability. For today it is already proved, that at difficulty носового breath an organism of the person not дополучает up to 12-18 % of oxygen which is very important for work of a brain. Especially actually given condition at children who have very much advanced network of blood vessels of a mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose where goes active всасывание oxygen. Therefore at the child, suffering the difficulty носового breath valid аденоидов, observes constant lack of oxygen and first of all the brain suffers. Therefore children. Suffering аденоидами badly study, at them serviceability is reduced, they are less close{attentive}. Подробнее...

The cavity of a nose represents the channel taking place in front back and having the form of a prism. The cavity of a nose is formed by several walls: lateral, top and bottom. On the middle of a cavity of a nose passes vertical formation{education} which divides{shares} a cavity of a nose on two equal half: right and left. This formation{education} also is a partition of a nose. The partition has a bone department - formed{educated} by bone structures of a cavity of a nose and хрящевой. The forward department of a partition of a nose is given out from a cavity of a nose outside and participates in formation{education} of an external nose. It is possible to feel this part of a partition if to lead{carry out} a finger on a median line of a nose from top to down. Хрящевая softer, than bone and at desire of her{it} it is possible to displace a part of a partition aside. Therefore, this part is more subject травматизации. At children the partition of a nose is formed by 10 years. For today it is proved, that only 5 % of people have an equal partition of a nose. At the majority the partition has various curvatures. As a rule, the partition deviates a median line to the right or to the left, but other variants are possible{probable} also. So the curvature on a small site of a partition as a so-called crest or a thorn, for example, is possible. Подробнее...