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лор гайморит операция

The decision of a problem with elimination of its{her} primary reason i.e. expansion of a gleam of the top respiratory ways, is especial at burdened forms СОАС assumes surgical treatment which is applied in ЛОР-BRANCH of Central clinical hospital UD of the President of the Russian Federation under the direction of professor Lopatin A.S.surgical treatment consists in correction of a partition of a nose, restoration носового breath, removal{distance} of formations{educations} of a nasopharynx (in particular аденоидов, bags Торнвальда, hypertrophies of trumpet platens), removal{distance} hypertrophied небных миндалин at a chronic tonsillitis and plastic operations in the soft sky and a drink and other interventions down to promotion forward the bottom jaw. Подробнее...

The cavity of a nose represents the channel taking place in front back and having the form of a prism. The cavity of a nose is formed by several walls: lateral, top and bottom. On the middle of a cavity of a nose passes vertical formation{education} which divides{shares} a cavity of a nose on two equal half: right and left. This formation{education} also is a partition of a nose. The partition has a bone department - formed{educated} by bone structures of a cavity of a nose and хрящевой. The forward department of a partition of a nose is given out from a cavity of a nose outside and participates in formation{education} of an external nose. It is possible to feel this part of a partition if to lead{carry out} a finger on a median line of a nose from top to down. Хрящевая softer, than bone and at desire of her{it} it is possible to displace a part of a partition aside. Therefore, this part is more subject травматизации. At children the partition of a nose is formed by 10 years. For today it is proved, that only 5 % of people have an equal partition of a nose. At the majority the partition has various curvatures. As a rule, the partition deviates a median line to the right or to the left, but other variants are possible{probable} also. So the curvature on a small site of a partition as a so-called crest or a thorn, for example, is possible. Подробнее...