Мануальная терапия
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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

пневмосклероз гайморит

In treatment also it is necessary to use antibacterial preparations (preferably цефалоспориновые), антигистаминные means (трексил, кларитин, etc.). The good effect gives a method of washing of a nose antiseptic (фурациллин) solutions. The method of moving more known as "cuckoo" is familiar to much. From физиопроцедур good effect such routine techniques as УФО cavities of a nose, УВЧ on additional bosoms of a nose possess even, etc. I shall not go into subtleties of treatment for in it your treating doctor should be engaged. I shall stop only on the most spiteful question. Подробнее...

Allergic diseases. Infringement носового breath supports current in an organism of allergic processes, is especial at компенсаторных curvatures of a partition of a nose when at contact of a mucous membrane of a cavity of a nose with a partition there is a constant irritation which is capable to provoke attacks of a bronchial asthma, an allergic cold. The patient feels « inconvenience in a nose », the itch, from a cavity of a nose periodically or is constantly allocated slime. Especially brightly these symptoms are shown at presence at the patient of a combination of an allergic rhinitis of a hypertrophy носовых bowls and a curvature носовой partitions. Подробнее...